£1399 plus VAT
We will bring your project to life and manage your planning application.
Once you have agreed the outline design, you can sit back and let us take you through the planning process.
Your architect will prepare detailed design plans and the planning application documentation.
We will submit the planning application and help navigate you through this process.
Preparation of detailed designs, based on your chosen outline design and project brief.
Production of the existing 2D scale plan and 2D elevations required by planning authorities.
Production of 2D scale plans and elevations of your new design.
Production of a 3D exterior perspective. (particularly helpful when showing neighbours how your finished house will appear, and can enhance your chances of a positive planning outcome when submitting for planning).
Preparation of the planning application drawings and documents based on the agreed design.
Phone consultation to agree minor adjustments prior to submission.
Submission of the planning application or forms to certify permitted development.
Effective planning application negotiations - we act as your agent.
Digital copies of your designs will be available to download.